Indie MMO Game Dev Conference

I'm sorry I missed this before, since I could have helped you folks save some cash if you were wanting to go, but here it is anyway.  With everything in much of the game development world focusing on San Francisco in March (I'm not linking to that "other" conference here, since it seems rude,) I'm stoked to keep finding out about other conferences catering to the small shops... of which there are a TON.  In fact, I'm a "small game dev shop" so I have a bias for this type of thing, I don't mind admitting...

 In Minneapolis, MN on April 14th-15th, the Indie MMO Game Dev Conference (IMGDC) will provide a forum for the vast reaches of independent MMOG developers out in the world to gather and learn/teach each other.  There are a lot of these folks, mind you, in case you're not one of them, or if you're not paying attention to the number of games blogged about everywhere.

If you're interested in making (or are currently making) an Indie MassMOG, go check out this conference and consider attending.  There are some great speakers planned and it looks to be a great start to what might end up being an excellent yearly event.  Make sure to spread the word, since things like this need exposure, IMO.  (Even late exposure... *ahem*)