My Other Site Has Games To Play

[update: A bug in the site had the games & their thumbnails not displaying! Ack! So yeah, if you visited before, you couldn't play any games unless you had an account... sheesh. Sorry 'bout that! You can play now, though, so get to it!!]

In case you're wondering why I haven't been updating lately (this time), I thought I'd show you why. I've been working on my network of sites -- getting them updated and converted and pumped-upified -- and I finally have something to show for it!

Granted, this is nothing pretty to see right now as a whole, so I don't need any flames about that. I've got some help on the way to work on the purty bits. Even so, the main point is that I've added over 6,600 free Flash games for folks to play on another site of mine, Online Game Hounds. Woot!

I know the site's not pretty.. didn't we just go over that?? I think that we did.

Well, I know that's not really technically "massively multiplayer" news... however, I'd argue that the collection of games is "massive" and there will be "multiple players" playing it, often at the same time -- that means the site as a whole is "massively multiplayer", eh?? That too much of a stretch for ya? Eh?

Go have some fun, would you? I hope you enjoy it.
