A Tale in the Desert III - Launches Saturday

Title's obvious, but many of you would like to know that A Tale in the Desert III is launching this Saturday, May 26. Rather than summarizing the announcement, I'm going to be lazy and post the whole thing... hooray for lazy!

Citizens of Egypt,

I was trying to think of some analogy to the start of a Tale. Arriving in new city, with only the shirt on your back? Arriving on the shores of an unexplored land, along with a group your countrymen? Few of us have actually done something like that, but I suspect the feelings would be the same. So many possibilities, so much history about to be written. After a successful and fast-paced Beta, A Tale in the Desert III will

Saturday, May 27, 12:00 Noon EDT (GMT-0400)

A Tale in the Desert III includes over one hundred changes and improvements to ATITD 2, but some of the most notable are:

* A new Events System that integrates Tests, Laws, Developer Chat Sessions, special contests, and other happenings.
* Principles - miniature versions of each Test. Complete each to increase your Level and open new paths.
* The Discipline of Harmony
* Unlockable Everything: Skills, Technologies, and now even Tests.
* Regional Chat

My goal with Tale 3 is to have the entire game feel like a giant, social adventure-puzzle to be explored, dissected, and finally mastered. A fast-paced game. A game rich enough so that everyone from the most hardcore player, to the most casual, can carve out a meaningful role. But what sort of history will we write? If you've played a previous Tale in the Desert, names like FaceAnkh, DrDave, VoodooC, Hellinar, Shelomit, Quizzical, Rehpic, Silver, CardinalTarod, Asheara, and Qetesh may mean something to you. What about Igoka, Malakai, Mafia, Obiwan, Bindy? And "Flower"? Kestrel and Boaz? Someone reading this letter right now will change our history in a way that I can't even imagine. What will I be writing about a year from now? Who? I have no idea, but I can't wait to find out. Join me this weekend, and I promise a Tale you won't forget.

Sunrise on the Nile,
Pharaoh (Teppy)

Standard Stuff:

Download for Windows, Linux and Macintosh: http://www.atitd.com
Official IRC chat channel: irc.sorcery.net port 6667 channel #ATITD